Deep Vintage Clothing – Newcastle

Deep is a clean and modern take on vintage wear that is allocated on quirky High Bridge, Newcastle. Starting its flagship store in Middlesborough by two university graduates, Deep have opened up stores in Newcastle, Liverpool, York and Manchester over time. Although since then, both the York and Liverpool branches of Deep have been closed down, due to lack of customers; small vintage shop chains are suffering and we question whether its down to the popularity of the vintage look that may be dying out in them parts.

Deep breaks the mould of every stereotype a vintage store is held for, its alterations in sizes make the vintage clothing accessible and wearable for anyone, bringing vintage into up to date fashion. Its modern and organised display isn’t ordinary for a typical vintage shop, its futuristic take on vintage sets as a bitter sweet juxtaposition that makes you question whether you have walked into a vintage shop.

Situated in the big cities of Newcastle and Manchester, Deep brings in students that cant resist a pair of vintage Levi shorts. The remade retro clothing make your fear of someone already dying in your new granddad jumper at ease, priced from only £30. Their quirky take on vintage is perfect for you if you prefer vintage shopping minus the fight to the death to find something amongst the heap of ill-fitting levi cut-offs and jackets.

We just hope that Deep doesn’t sink and remains above the water (pun intended) amongst the many vintage shops in the North East because this one definitely deserves to stay afloat.